I am testing a survey where I have filters on subquestions based on attributes values with relevance equations in the subquestion definitions. I seems to work well in Chrome, some Mozilla versions, and Opera. But It does not work on Internet Explorer.
I can not control which browser the user is gonna use. Is this an issue addressed in new releases?
Yes Token Attribute.
I just re do a new survey. The attribute 1 is either P1 or P2 and in the only question on the survey, 2 subquestions are for P1 and 2 for P2.
When the borwser is chrome the filters work good as the image shows, but when is I explorer, it filters only one.
I updated limesurvey to the last version keeping the database but it is not working either. In Chrome filters are being applied well, but not in Internet explorer
I followed the console in Chrome to understan whats happening.
Apprently it is something that happens with IE, as the library checks what browser is being used. I followed that issue on Stackoverflow and indeed appraently IE does not support a"Array.from" function as reported on
So I tried to solve it adding a definition of the methos but instead, all subquestions are hidden. It seems is only a matter to improve the method. What is interesting is that here was reported to work normally.
If you can reproduce with a sample light survey and core theme on 3.20.X : best is to report the issue on our bugtracker.
And see what happen with different settings on logging (GUI part) and debug (php part).
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