1. the logic file already showed you your error in Q4.
a. What do you want to validate?
b. As Q1-Q3 are questions with subquestions you have to use the correct QCode.
2. This is only an example, isn't it? In real the questions will have more subquestions?
Didn't you read this
Having read this
"Here are the details of how to construct a Qcode (and access some properties) by question type. In general, Qcodes are constructed as:
QuestionCode . '_' . SubQuestionID . '_' . ScaleId"
you know that your equation has to look like this:
As said your equation is {sum(Q1_SQ001.NAOK,Q2_SQ001.NAOK,Q3_SQ001.NAOK)}
As last page use a question of type "text display" where you can use this equation.
Like: "And the sum of all vehicles is {sum(Q1....)}"
And if there are more than one subquestion in each question (not the best to use "multiple numerical" with only one subquestion) you can use the "that" operator, which I wrote before, too.
I really recommend to read the manual and study the demo surveys; either in the demo installation ("Resources / Demo") here or download and import them.
By the way:
This question obviously is not a question about the further development of LimeSurvey, but more a "Can I do..."