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Get the list of surveys having at least one answer

  • cavo789
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6 years 2 months ago #176432 by cavo789
Good afternoon

I'm searching to be able to create a query for getting the list of all surveys but only if they've at least one answer.

For getting all IDs, I use this SQL statement:

SELECT `sid` FROM `lime_surveys`

As far I've seen, the "how many answers" can be retrieved in the survey_[ID] table like

SELECT count(*) FROM `lime_survey_258978` WHERE submitdate IS NOT NULL

(as seen in the debug pane of the index.php/admin/survey/sa/listsurveys page)

Do you see any solution to write a single SQL like below i.e. without the need to loop on all my survey_[ID] tables

SELECT `sid` FROM `lime_surveys` WHERE (count_answers>0)

Thanks a lot
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