I working currently on a accessible_vanilla template. With fixing some core part, and a lot of aria usage.
It based and vanilla, i didn't test create fruity compy and update parent, but i think it can be done.
Currently :
- Fix aria-describedby to add help and em tip for answer part
- Big usage and update of HTML5 section, header and title (h1,h2,H3)
- I make some choice (for example : always add title of survey in header), but this can be easily extended.
- Usage of aria-invalid with EM error
- Usage of aria-hidden, hidden and aria-disabled for relevance question and subquestion
Please : get a copy of template here :
. Make test and report issues, hack it and ask for merge request.
PS : some part must be in core, it was added when it tested and ready to go in core.