I've recently committed to the token/closed access survey but have come to an issue when participants try to resume their survey. I have attached a photo of my survey settings. Version 2.73.1
Participants can access their survey via the email I send them that contains their specific link or by accessing their link via their website account. So the refURL varies depending on which approach they choose. IF a participant saves and resumes later using a different refURL they are directed to the beginning of the survey and their previous answers are not shown even though response persistence is enabled. IF the cookies are cleared and/or the participant tries to resume from a different device (IP address) but by the same link then it brings them to the beginning of the survey but will have their previous answers selected. IF they resume using the same device and same refURL then they are directed to the last page they saved.
It becomes a real issue if participants are not able to always continue on the last page they saved. Does anyone have insight on how to fix this issue?
If "Enable token-based response persistence" is enabled, you don't need to use "Save and return". Simply returning to the survey with the original URL (containing the token value)" should return the respondent to the last page submitted regardless of browser, device or IP.
So, I would disable "Save and return". and try that.
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