I have signed up for an account (using my GitHub account), setup a limesurvey site etc. However if I attempt to log into the bug tracker I am unable to. I have tried the "forgot your password" route but never received an email and now I'm just getting an error that says "APPLICATION ERROR #1905 - Maximum number of in-progress requests reached. Please contact the system administrator."
Any ideas?
Couldn't find any other place to post this, if there's somewhere else it should be please let me know.
Log into limeSurvey.org, go to your profile and try setting a password specifically at
Then log in using the same password on bugs.limesurvey.org
I was unable to set my password this way as I didnt know the original password (don't think I set one when I logged in with the GitHub account), so I had to completely log out of the LimeSurvey site, click "Forgot Login" then clicked "Forgot Password" and have a new password issued to me.
I then went back and set the password on the profile as per your instructions.