I have an active survey (created with LimeSurvey 3.0) which appears to have some bugs for SOME (but not all!) of the participants (and it doesn’t seem to be related to the browser they are using).
The survey consists, among other things, of 12 question groups that are almost identical (with only the displayed recordings in each question group being different).
So, this question group consists of six questions. Only ONE of the first four questions is displayed (which one is displayed, is random), the fifth question is always displayed, and the sixth question only appears if the fifth question has been answered with a a particular value. So, the structure of the QG is:
- 4 questions of the type ‘text display’ containing two div’s: one of the type <div class="video-holder"> containing a video hosted on a small physical server (Kimsufi KS-2A (
)) and one of the type
with the same video hosted on Youku.com .
Of these 4 questions, each participant only gets to see one of them, which is implemented via 12 random numbers generated at the beginning of the survey in a hidden question group,
- then the 5th question is of the type ‘multiple short text’ and contains a div created by my web developer <div id="twodimensional-space-holder"> </div>,
- and then the 6th question is of the type ‘short free text’ and only appears if the value ”other” has been chosen as answer to the 5th question.
I imported 12 times the same QG and only changed the address of the recordings in the div's (in the four first questions) and the relevance equations of the question. So these 12 question groups should all work in the same way.
A few participants reported that, only for ONE of the 12 quasi-identical question groups, the question with the recording did not appear (and it is not only the div’s that did not appear, because the small text that is written above the div’s was not displayed either), so only the 5th question appeared (I'll post a picture of what they see and what they SHOULD see in a comment below)
I have checked the relevance equations and I can’t see any problem there. Also, if the relevance equations would be problematic, then ALL the participants should get the same bug, which is not the case. It also seems that it is not always the same question that is not being displayed.
Is this a bug of LimeSurvey? Or can you think of something I might have done wrong?
Many thanks for your help!
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