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Problems with <div> 's

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6 years 11 months ago #165132 by Pernelle
Problems with <div> 's was created by Pernelle

I am a researcher and I've worked together with a web developer to integrate a p5.js program into a survey, as well as 13 videos (most of them are around 2MB, hosted on a personal server which should be more than fine to host them).

We used the 3.0 version of Limesurvey (which appears to be quite unstable? Or do the many many bugs we have encountered come from our side?) because the integration of the P5.js seemed easier on that version. We tried updating the version of Limesurvey, but the update didn't work.

We thought we had resolved the main bugs, so we put it online after having tested a few times and the survey worked properly on different devices, both desktop and mobile. However now, while some participants can fill out the survey normally, many have problems:
1) videos sometimes loading, sometimes not,
2) error messages while submitting the results at the end of the survey
3) error message when clicking on "next" : " Please use the LimeSurvey navigation buttons or index. It appears you attempted to use the browser back button to re-submit a page." (this happens on a mobile device)

So basically, the most concerning problems relate to the videos and p5.js not (always) loading properly.
The videos are integrated in the survey via this div:

Play this recording.
<div class="video-holder">
<video class="video-js vjs-fluid vjs-default-skin" controls="" height="267px" id="emotionvideo" poster=" survey.sl-services.be/upload/themes/surv...eview/preview_Vi.jpg " preload="none" width="640px"><source src=" survey.sl-services.be/upload/themes/surv...les/videos/AF_Vi.mp4 " type="video/mp4" /> <source src=" survey.sl-services.be/upload/themes/surv...es/videos/AF_Vi.webm " type="video/webm" /></video>

The P5js is integrated via this div:

<div id="twodimensional-space-holder">

I attach one of the error messages sent by a participant who got this while submitting at the end (note that all her responses have been saved, luckily).
Your help would be greatly appreciated. This is a major problem for my research and I don't know where to go from here. Thank you!
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6 years 11 months ago #165137 by jelo
Replied by jelo on topic Problems with <div> 's

Pernelle wrote: I am a researcher and I've worked together with a web developer to integrate a p5.js program into a survey, as well as 13 videos (most of them are around 2MB, hosted on a personal server which should be more than fine to host them).

How do you come to the conclusion that your personal server (what do you mean by personal?) is no issue with e.g. playing the videos? Can you provide any specs? I don't know how many people visit your survey. But the issue with nonplaying videos seems to be unrelated to bugs inside LimeSurvey. The other issues can be caused by bugs. But it can be a incompatibility with mixing p5.js and the LimeSurvey template.
Try integrating the p5.js. via IFRAME to check if that is working with no or less issues.

What exact version of LimeSurvey 3 is used?
A link to the actual survey or a demo survey would be interesting.
If you think you found a bug, you might directly open a bugticket via bugtracker (which can be set to private too).

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6 years 11 months ago #165157 by Pernelle
Replied by Pernelle on topic Problems with <div> 's
The server is a small physical server dedicated for this limesurvey, its a Kimsufi KS-2A ( www.kimsufi.com/fr/serveurs.xml )

Because the survey will be used by poeple in both China and the rest of the world, we can't just upload them on Youtube and embed a youtube link. I have tried to embed video's from a Chinese equivalent to Youtube, both with the embed code (<embed src=' player.youku.com/player.php/sid/XMzQ0NzYyMDIxNg==/v.swf ' allowFullScreen='true' quality='high' width='480' height='400' align='middle' allowScriptAccess='always' type='application/x-shockwave-flash'>) or with the iframe code () but it doesn't work.
See for instance the first page 'instruction' of the following survey.
The video showing up is the one from the div, but the two other codes (embed and iframe) don't show up.

My web developer told me we couldn't use iframe for the p5.js, among other reasons because the survey has to work on mobile devices as well and that would (according to him?) not be compatible.

The version is Limesurvey 3.0
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6 years 11 months ago #165159 by jelo
Replied by jelo on topic Problems with <div> 's

Pernelle wrote: The version is Limesurvey 3.0

The current version of LS is 3.4.4. If you really use 3.0, you will have a very buggy version.
If the LS 3.0 is already running a live survey, I would recommend to install 3.4.4 in a separate way.

But looking at your survey (second question), I see a video and the answer matrix.

Some stuff looks unnecessary. What is the remove button for?
<div class="videodetector"><iframe frameborder="0" src=""></iframe><input class="remove-videodetector" type="button" value="Remove video" /></div>

These are the two empty parts on the first question page. What should be shown their? src="" is empty. So no source to show anything.

What is not working as intended?

I still recommend to install 3.4.3 and use a shipped template and only add the minimum of external code to get the question running. That way you can check if the template modifications have messes something up.

But let's wait what other forum users can tell us.

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6 years 11 months ago - 6 years 11 months ago #165167 by Pernelle
Replied by Pernelle on topic Problems with <div> 's
Thank you jelo.
Yes, these two empty parts (with the remove button) come from my trials to embed videos from Youku (first one via "embed", first one via "iframe").
In the meantime, I realised that the source after the "src=" would disappear in the final code, so I copy-pasted manually in the code, and it does work now, but the video takes min. 1 minute to load (once it is loaded, clicking on "play" to load the actual content of the video is pretty fast, though).
This is the error message we are getting now (see attached).My web developed will try to look into it later today, but the time he could devote to this project is actually way over, so that's why I am trying to find solutions here.

If you want to see the real version of the survey, here is the real link to the English version which is currently used by participants:


We tried updating to 3.4.4 yesterday, but then nothing worked with the personalised theme we are using (derived from vanilla). In the editor, we got the message:
×Unable to find template "./subviews/content/firstpage" (looked into: /home/data/www/survey.sl-services.be/upload/themes/survey/vanilla_pernelle/views, /home/data/www/survey.sl-services.be/themes/survey/vanilla/views).

and once opening the survey, error message (see second picture attached) [my web developer discussed this problem on the French section of this forum , but couldn't find a solution). So we cam back to 3.0.
Last edit: 6 years 11 months ago by Pernelle.
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6 years 11 months ago #165175 by jelo
Replied by jelo on topic Problems with <div> 's

Pernelle wrote: This is the error message we are getting now (see attached).

You might provide the demo link to that updates survey again. You seem to use an external javascriptplayer?

Check the settings if IFrame for external sources is allowed.

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6 years 11 months ago #165192 by Pernelle
Replied by Pernelle on topic Problems with <div> 's
I'm not sure about the external javascritplayer. I guess it has to do with the p5.js sketch.
I checked it, the "IFrame embedding" is allowed.

What do you mean with providing a demo link with the updated survey? We came back to 3.0 so I'm afraid I don't have any survey with 3.4.4
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