I am trying to create a dynamic array for adding and removing rows. I am using Version 3.3.0+180209 and came across the following workaround for this purpose. I have updated the custom.js of an extended theme accordingly but unfortunately the code is not working as expected. Below is the link:
Just to inform that this now has been changed to work accordingly. The following changes are in order:
Row 21-22:
$( 'div#addButton'+qID ).appendTo($( '#question' + qID + ' table.ls-answers' ).parent());
$( 'div#removeButton'+qID ).appendTo($( '#question' + qID + ' table.ls-answers' ).parent());
Row 63:
var arrayRow = '#question' + qID + ' table.ls-answers tr.subquestion-list';
Row 76:
var arrayRow = '#question' + qID + ' table.ls-answers tr.subquestion-list';
Row 87:
var arrayRow = '#question' + qID + ' table.ls-answers tr.subquestion-list';
Thanks for your post. You should add your solution to the manual. Just copy the entry and add a "LS 3.0 tested" remark after modifying the copied entry. Nobody will find this post in a few weeks, but the manual with workarounds will be in place.