It remains around 50 bugs right now in 3.x:
None is critical, most are visual glitches or concern advanced features.
For now, LS3 is not offered in ComfortUpdate, so advanced users using advanced features are not concerned, they are still using their old version of LimeSurvey (2.x)
Front end strings has not been changed, so survey taking should be correctly translated. In admin interface, it remain some untranslated strings for the new features: nothing critical.
For LS new comers, it's far better to use LimeSurvey 3 rather than LS 2.X. The new survey themes engine allows easy customization of the design via options rather than CSS/JS/HTML hacks. The admin interface with the new left bar is easier to use and to understand. It has a first time tour that makes clear the architecture of the software. Also, we're rewriting all the documentation according to LS3, with LS3 screenshots, so it's easier for them to learn how to use the software. Most of them will not be impacted by the few lefting bugs in the admin interface
By the way: thank you for your bug reports, they are greatly appreciated. More bug reports on the Beta would have made the Master release bug free.