- Using LimeSurvey Version 2.57.1+161205
- Using the Remote Control API
I've created my own process that imports a survey by loading the LSS file, sending to LimeSurvey remote control api (import_survey), then activating the tokens, then activating the survey.
It's been working fine for a long time now.
Lately I've noticed an issue with particular surveys. These are over 600k in size.
They seem to upload to LimeSurvey without a problem, but 'import_survey' fails at some point as it does not return the Survey ID (which in turn fails the activation of tokens and the survey, since there is no ID to use).
Looking in the LS admin, the Survey is there, as it gets displayed in the survey list, but the API call fails returning the error:
): failed to open stream: HTTP request failed!
where 'some.example.com' is the server I'm using with LimeSurvey installed.
If I do a manual import through the LimeSurvey itself (Create a new survey --> Import), this works fine without a problem.
It's only a problem when I'm doing it as an API call.
I thought maybe it's a timing issue, so I put in a sleep of 3 seconds, but the same surveys still fail.