Trying a survey before sending it, I found that the completed page after the survey has been filled, appears empty, no thank you message or anything.
This is really strange, because in the template editor I can see what it suppose to be there, but when trying it I get no thank you message.
Please find attached two screenshots. The first one is the template editor, and the second one, what I really get.
I haven´t change anything of the CSS files.
One weird thing is that I tried a default template from Limesurvey and I couldn´t see the thank you message as well...
On one hand I think you are right, but on the other, I thought the "Thank you! your questions have been saved" was an automatic message from Limesurvey in the language of the survey itself.
Like the attached.
Yes I did, and I could see it after doing the survey.
But I don´t think that this is the automatic "Thank you" from Limesurvey.
And to say more, I got two surveys, with the same template and no text in the "End message" editor. One is giving me the thank you message, and the other one is not...
Please see attached images.