This is probably a tiny thing to solve, but it's placed in a complex survey which I can't expose and there is plenty of customization inserted. I think somebody from the limesurvey staff will have to inspect this as the survey is currently activated and the credit for responses has been payed.
The problem appeared from nowhere. It's about hiding all the predefined ranking boxes which don't receive a name in a previous question.
An example is attached, but here everything seems fine. In the example provided no errors are invoked.
Before the ranking an existing list is presented with 10 additional empty fields in case the users would like to add more elements into the list:
In the next group the first question is a multiple numerical input question where fields of the elements from the list are filled with a number (1) and the fields corresponding to the optionally added elements with a condition:
This question is also hidden using this code:
Therefore in the following questions ranking boxes are shown based on non-empty fields. Even if the attached example works, this is the real situation. There's nothing to rank:
The logic files for the example and for the online survey are both error free.
Thanks for the inspection and further propositions.