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Problem with multiple Google Maps on same page.

9 years 10 months ago #117150 by ankag
I am trying to create a survey with several similar groups each containing a Google Maps mapping service question. I would prefer to present the survey "All in one" and control the display of groups by a question. When I run the survey All in one the maps don't display correctly except for the first. In group 2 the map i panned wrong and a large part of the map canvas is grey.
If I display the survey group by group everything looks OK.
Anyone have any idea how to fix.

Attaching a small survey demonstrating the problem.

File Attachment:

File Name: limesurvey...7764.lss
File Size:21 KB
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9 years 10 months ago #117167 by ankag
I have found a workaround that seems to work.
In my original design I ended Group1 with a question that I used to hide or show Group2 with a group relevance equation. This causes problems with the maps.

The workaround is to start group 2 with my control question and hide each question in the group with a question relevance equation. Then the maps display fine. It is not as elegant as to hide the whole group with one line but it is good enough for smaller surveys.
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Moderators: tpartnerholch

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