I hope to put explanations and different options line by line of the array.
Unfortunately, displaying by group and combining questions in wrapped page doesn't works, because too many groups will be there. (SQL error happens...)
So, I want to put radio buttons in tables, and link it to hidden 'real' radio buttons in array-type question.
It looks little easier than star-rating example, or use image as button, but I am keeping fail.
Is there any workaround to use radio and link it to 'real' radio button in subquestions (i.e. SQ001...SQ002...etc).
The function I used for using image button is like below.
function selectval(valance) {
$('#question{[u]QID[/u]} #javatbd{[u]SGQ[/u]}SQ001 input.radio:eq('+valance+')').attr('checked', true);
How can I apply this kind of variable (i.e. {QID} ) to radio input?
<td class="answer_cell_001 answer-item radio-item" style="margin: 0px; padding: 4px; border-collapse: separate; border-spacing: 2px;">
<input class="radio" id=[u]"answer614884X7X461VAL-1"[/u] name="VAL" style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; vertical-align: middle;" title="Very Strong" type="radio" value="1" /></td>