I encounter a problem implementing question validation tips.
All my attempts to generate a good validation tip have failed so far.
I have 2 questions where inputs should match before continuing the questionnaire
* sportsFrequencyNow: numerical input
* sportsDifferenceNow: array with 1 subquestion SQ001 with choice from 1 to 5
The combination of sportsFrequencyNow=0 and chosing 5 for sportsDifferenceNow should show the validation tip.
This is the code I use in the question validation:
!((sportsFrequencyNow==0) and intval(sportsDifference_SQ001.code)==5)
This works perfectly. A string "test" in the question validation tip turns red when the validation is violated and turns green when fine.
But the following question validation tip fails:
{if ((sportsFrequencyNow==0) and intval(sportsDifference_SQ001.code)==5, 'Impossible combination','Fine')}
It will always show "Fine" whatever I choose. Only the color changes which means that the validation equition works but the code in the tip is not working.