I would really recommend to look into the Expression manager, even as a research coordinator. Once you get it (and it is actually not that difficult), you'll save yourself a lot of time. I found it a lot more convenient and a lot quicker to write an equation than to go through all the conditions manager.
The examples given by Tony look complicated at first, but actually they are quite simple, once you tried to understand what is happening.
The first one is only complicated, because you have very complicated question code.
It says, show the question only, if the question with the code TRA_PR_INC5 is NOT equal (!
to the response 'POSTSEC'. If you want to show the question if the response IS 'POSTSEC' and no other, then you would use '==' instead of '!=='. With that you are already very good and this procedure is quicker than go to the condition manager, because you can do it right where you edit the question.
Now the second example looks complicated, but it isn't, is is just involving a lot of answer options.
The first part between parentesis checks if the Token attribute called attribute1 contains any of the responses 'British Columbia', 'Manitoba', etc.
And it checks if the question with the code TRA_PR_INC5 is equal to POSTSEC. So this question will only show if the token attribute1 is any of the locations (connected via OR) AND at the same time the other question is answered with POSTSEC.
I theory this should work in the newest version, but since I am using the Expression Manager and Equations, I have not looked at the condition tool anymore...