I've spent the past several hours working with LimeSurvey and think it is capable of doing what I need but I can't confirm that. I've looked through the help files and can't find an answer. Specifically, I'd like users to answer one question, with just three radio buttons (they may only select one response). Based on their selection, I would then like them to be taken to one of three different surveys. Is that possible? How? FYI, I've been trying to accomplish that with setting conditions, and also attempting to see if they could be referred to one of three different groups. That doesn't seem to work.
Also, when my form is done, I'd like users to be provided with the output of entries (I have no need to maintain their data). Is this possible?
1) Do you need them redirected to completely different surveys or simply see different questions in the same survey? If different surveys, you can use Expression Manager to modify the End URL depending on the radio answer. If the same survey, you can use conditions or
to hide/show questions and groups depending on the radio answer
Thank you both for your suggestions - I'll try them. Although I can go either route (separate surveys or different questions depending on responses), I suspect that for my situation, it may be best to have separate ones and each requires many of the same questions but not always. Again, thanks. I'll play with my survey later today and see how things work.
You can edit the End URL at Survey Properties --> Edit text elements.
Then you will need to enable it at Survey Properties --> General settings --> Presentation & navigation --> Automatically load URL when survey complete.
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