I am hoping some of you can help with an issue relating to replacement fields. I read about the replacement field issues with emails, and I have tried the solutions outlined in those topics but I have not had any joy yet.
I am using Limesurvey 2.05+ Build 140502
I am trouble getting the replacement field functions to work in the body of a question. I have had no issue with the email invitations using replacement field functions such as {TOKEN:FIRSTNAME} ect but in the body of the question, nothing.
I am trying to populate a date, which is a mandatory token field, into the question.
ie. Since {TOKEN:ATTRIBUTE_1} have you had a CT scan? (where TOKEN:ATTRIBUTE_1 is the last interview date)
I have assigned a field caption "LastInterviewDate" to {TOKEN:ATTRIBUTE_1}. I have also used this as the field description.
Can anyone shed any light as to how I can get the date to display?