I've been using the autocomplete for quite a while already but for some reason it has stopped working. I went to the limesurvey workarounds manual and updated the script I was using but still get the following error:
// Define the CSV filename
var csvName = 'fsa.csv';
// Define some paths
var surveyRoot = location.pathname.split('index.php')[0];
// var templateName = $('head link[href*="template.css"]').attr('href').replace(/\/template.css/, '').split('/templates/')[1];
var csvPath = surveyRoot+'autocomplete/';
// Define the questions
var q1ID = '{QID}';
var q1 = $('#question'+q1ID);
// var q2 = $(q1).nextAll('.text-short:eq(0)');
// var q3 = $(q1).nextAll('.text-short:eq(1)');
// Define the path to the CSV
var url = csvPath+csvName;
// Create an array to hold the CSV rows
var namesArr = new Array();
// Grab the CSV contents
$.get( url, function( data ){
// Convert CSV contents to an array of arrays
fullArray = $.csv.toArrays(data);
// Load the CSV rows array
$(fullArray).each(function(i, item){
I just updated limesurvey. I also changed the survey template. But I moved everything as it should be. And I don't get an error of not finding the csv.
I'll provide a link to a test question later today for you to look at.