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Autocomplete and automatically filled questions - csv

  • tpartner
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11 years 5 months ago - 11 years 5 months ago #91704 by tpartner
For this workaround to work, you need to:
1) Include the CSV file in your template directory
2) Place the jquery.csv.js file in your template directory
3) Add the following line to your startpage.pstpl AFTER the {TEMPLATEJS} tag
<script type="text/javascript" src="{TEMPLATEURL}jquery.csv.js"></script>

Your code looked fine to me but I modified it a bit to automatically detect the question IDs and the the path to the template directory.

Placing this code in the source of the first question will initiate the auto-complete function for that question, using the CSV column-1 values. When a value is selected, it will auto-populate the following 2 questions with the the CSV column-2 and column-3 values.

For different questions/surveys, all you should need to modify is the csvName variable.
<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
  $(document).ready(function() {
    // Define the CSV filename
    var csvName = 'linguas.csv';
    // Define some paths
    var surveyRoot = location.pathname.split('index.php')[0];
    var templateName = $('head link[href*="template.css"]').attr('href').replace(/\/template.css/, '').split('/templates/')[1];
    var templatePath = surveyRoot+'upload/templates/'+templateName+'/';
    // Define the questions
    var q1ID = '{QID}';  
    var q1 = $('#question'+q1ID);
    var q2 = $(q1).nextAll('.text-short:eq(0)');
    var q3 = $(q1).nextAll('.text-short:eq(1)');
    // Define the path to the CSV
    var url = templatePath+csvName;
    // Create an array to hold the CSV rows
    var namesArr = new Array();
    // Grab the CSV contents
      // Convert CSV contents to an array of arrays
      fullArray = jQuery.csv()(data);
      // Load the CSV rows array
      $(fullArray).each(function(i, item){
      // Initialise the autocomplete plugin
      $('input.text', q1).autocomplete({
        source: namesArr,
        // Event fired when a selection is made (ui.item.value refers to the selected item)
        select: function(event, ui) { 
          // Find the column 2 and column 3 values associated with the selected column 1 value and load q2 and q3
          $(fullArray).each(function(i, item){
            if(item[0] == ui.item.value) {
              // The value from column 2 of the CSV
              $('input.text', q2).val(item[1]);
              // The value from column 3 of the CSV
              $('input.text', q3).val(item[2]);

Here is a working copy of your survey and the corresponding template with the CSV file and jquery.csv.js included. (import the template first so the survey uses the correct one)

File Attachment:

File Name: gabriela_csv_test.zip
File Size:74 KB

File Attachment:

File Name: autofillcvs_TP.lss
File Size:28 KB

Tony Partner

Solutions, code and workarounds presented in these forums are given without any warranty, implied or otherwise.
Last edit: 11 years 5 months ago by tpartner.
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  • Gabriela
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11 years 5 months ago #91719 by Gabriela
Merci!!! I was all day in this and no moving...(mega frustrating..)
I still didt try it, but reading I can see the first difference. I was following the previuos answers where you said:

- Download the jquery.csv.js plugin and place it in your template folder
- Add the following line to your startpage.pstpl BEFORE the tag for template.js

Before. :dry:
But its After?

ok, now Ill try..

It works!! but only with "gabriela csv test" template. Have to check differences with mine.

Have to go to work now, but as soon as I can ill find out what is going wrong..

Thank you so much, it made my day.

ps: In "gabriela csv test" template, startpage, appears in one corner TEMPLATEJS sorrounded by red square, type of , "variable undefined". (but still working, strange)
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11 years 5 months ago #91734 by tpartner

I was following the previuos answers where you said...Add the following line to your startpage.pstpl BEFORE the tag for template.js

Those instructions are for LimeSurvey 1.92. Things are slightly different in LimeSurvey 2.0.

In "gabriela csv test" template, startpage, appears in one corner TEMPLATEJS sorrounded by red square...

Can you provide a screenshot?

Tony Partner

Solutions, code and workarounds presented in these forums are given without any warranty, implied or otherwise.
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11 years 5 months ago #91746 by Gabriela
HI, thanks, I removed that red squared message by adding this to the start page

<script type="text/javascript" src="{TEMPLATEURL}template.js"></script>

I am in 1.92 version.

And now It works perfectly.(yess)

But I think what I proposed to do is too heavy.
ill give it a try, or Ill give up.

Thanks thanks so much again.
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11 years 5 months ago #91858 by stuttgarter
Tony, i am experimenting with your script and its working perfect. Thanks for your step by step clear instructions.
I am just wondering if we can restrict user from editing the already autofilled fields. I have tried with text display but is not working.

Q1 (jquery): filled by user
Q2: autofilled (user cannot edit)
Q3: autofilled (user cannot edit)

Q1 is filled by user and corresponding values of Q2 and Q3 are only displayed and are not editable.

Thanks in advance.
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11 years 5 months ago - 11 years 5 months ago #91861 by tpartner
You can use a readonly attribute on those elements:
    $('input.text', q2).attr('readonly', true);
    $('input.text', q3).attr('readonly', true);

So, the whole script would be:
<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
  $(document).ready(function() {
    // Define the CSV filename
    var csvName = 'linguas.csv';
    // Define some paths
    var surveyRoot = location.pathname.split('index.php')[0];
    var templateName = $('head link[href*="template.css"]').attr('href').replace(/\/template.css/, '').split('/templates/')[1];
    var templatePath = surveyRoot+'upload/templates/'+templateName+'/';
    // Define the questions
    var q1ID = '{QID}';  
    var q1 = $('#question'+q1ID);
    var q2 = $(q1).nextAll('.text-short:eq(0)');
    var q3 = $(q1).nextAll('.text-short:eq(1)');
    // Define the path to the CSV
    var url = templatePath+csvName;
    // Restrict user access to the inputs
    $('input.text', q2).attr('readonly', true);
    $('input.text', q3).attr('readonly', true);
    // Create an array to hold the CSV rows
    var namesArr = new Array();
    // Grab the CSV contents
      // Convert CSV contents to an array of arrays
      fullArray = jQuery.csv()(data);
      // Load the CSV rows array
      $(fullArray).each(function(i, item){
      // Initialise the autocomplete plugin
      $('input.text', q1).autocomplete({
        source: namesArr,
        // Event fired when a selection is made (ui.item.value refers to the selected item)
        select: function(event, ui) { 
          // Find the column 2 and column 3 values associated with the selected column 1 value and load q2 and q3
          $(fullArray).each(function(i, item){
            if(item[0] == ui.item.value) {
              // The value from column 2 of the CSV
              $('input.text', q2).val(item[1]);
              // The value from column 3 of the CSV
              $('input.text', q3).val(item[2]);

Tony Partner

Solutions, code and workarounds presented in these forums are given without any warranty, implied or otherwise.
Last edit: 11 years 5 months ago by tpartner.
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11 years 5 months ago #91863 by stuttgarter
Incredible Tony. Many many thanks.
Finally, i have started learning a bit of javascript codes as well. :)

Last thing which i am trying in autocomplete topic is restricting user to enter values from suggested dropdown (jquery) only. Otherwise, throwing error (Please enter a valid q1 value).
I found this link jsfiddle.net/pxfunc/j3AN7/ but somehow failing to do it. A long way to go in understanding programming codes. :unsure:

Tony, i find this forum extremely useful and friendly. I am trying to convince my boss to donate a bit to LS, otherwise i will surely contribute my tiny contribution.
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11 years 5 months ago #92102 by tpartner
That code is intended to restrict a user to entering a value from the dropdown but does not use an alert. The test is fired on every keystroke so alerts would be very annoying.

To pop up an alert when an invalid value is entered, try this:
<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
  $(document).ready(function() {
    // Define the CSV filename
    var csvName = 'linguas.csv';
    // Define some paths
    var surveyRoot = location.pathname.split('index.php')[0];
    var templateName = $('head link[href*="template.css"]').attr('href').replace(/\/template.css/, '').split('/templates/')[1];
    var templatePath = surveyRoot+'upload/templates/'+templateName+'/';
    // Define the questions
    var q1ID = '{QID}';  
    var q1 = $('#question'+q1ID);
    var q2 = $(q1).nextAll('.text-short:eq(0)');
    var q3 = $(q1).nextAll('.text-short:eq(1)');
    // Define the path to the CSV
    var url = templatePath+csvName;
    // Restrict user access to the inputs
    $('input.text', q2).attr('readonly', true);
    $('input.text', q3).attr('readonly', true);
    // Create an array to hold the CSV rows
    var namesArr = new Array();
    // Grab the CSV contents
      // Convert CSV contents to an array of arrays
      fullArray = jQuery.csv()(data);
      // Load the CSV rows array
      $(fullArray).each(function(i, item){
      // Initialise the autocomplete plugin
      $('input.text', q1).autocomplete({
        source: namesArr,
        // Event fired when a selection is made (ui.item.value refers to the selected item)
        select: function(event, ui) { 
          // Find the column 2 and column 3 values associated with the selected column 1 value and load q2 and q3
          $(fullArray).each(function(i, item){
            if(item[0] == ui.item.value) {
              // The value from column 2 of the CSV
              $('input.text', q2).val(item[1]);
              // The value from column 3 of the CSV
              $('input.text', q3).val(item[2]);
        var isValid = false;
        var inputValue = $(this).val();
        $(fullArray).each(function(i, item){
          if (item[0].toLowerCase().match(inputValue.toLowerCase())) {
            isValid = true;
        if (!isValid) {
          alert('Please enter a valid q1 value');

Tony Partner

Solutions, code and workarounds presented in these forums are given without any warranty, implied or otherwise.
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11 years 5 months ago #92108 by stuttgarter
Incredible Tony. Thanks a lot.
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6 years 11 months ago #157257 by muhdsammur

I know this an old thread, but does this solution work with newer versions like 2.6?
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