I tried doing some searching but just can't seem to figure this out.
It is possible to have a text array and have one column calculate the amount x .50 of the column just before it.
Like this:
Question Q006 Column SQX003 would equal SQX002 X .50
If so where would I even put that calculation. I tried using "{sum(this.SQX003*.50)}" and also "self" but just couldn't get it to be a valid variable.
I also can't figure out where to put the question so that the column I want the answer in fill itself in.
Sorry to be kinda dumb on this.
I'm using text array because the first column is not numeric. All the other are.
Thank guys.
Well I figured out that this {sum(that.Q006.sq_SQX006.NAOK)} will total the columns. It doesn't quite get me where I wanted to be but it's close. Can I have it put that total in one of the Row/Columns. Say in an Empty row at the bottom of the ARRAY. That I can't figure out yet.