Please help us help you and fill where relevant:
LimeSurvey version: Version 5.6.68+240625
Own server or LimeSurvey Cloud: own server
Survey theme/template: extended Fruity theme (KBA_Data_2023_subtitles_in_array)
I have created a question in which respondents have to register the time (in minutes) they have spent on various tasks per day for one week. It concerns an array text (only numbers) with a limit per field of 0 - 600 minutes (questioncode: q02).
In advance, I have asked a multiple choice question (questioncode: q01) in which they can indicate on which days they have actually worked. In this question I have used this solution (
Array number: set relevance equation in X-Scale
) to ensure that they only see the days that they have worked. I have also installed the plugin mentioned in this thread.
The problem I am currently facing is that, if I set the question to mandatory and a respondent has indicated that he has not worked one or more days, a message appears that not all (mandatory) fields have been filled in. This concerns the fields of the days that the respondent has not worked and are therefore not displayed.
Is there a solution for this problem?
Note: I have also used a script in the array question to create subtitles for the subquestions.
Hopefully your able to help me out!
Thanks in advance.