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Filling variables from url in the middle of the survey

  • ployrich
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3 months 1 week ago #268384 by ployrich
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Hi everyone,
hope you are doing well this time of year.

Once again I am here seemingly having tried "everything" and coming up emtpy handed. I am not a newbie at filling values with url params in LimeSurvey. Let me paint a picture:
I have two surveys, lets call them s1 and s2.
Starting of in s1 the participant is sent to s2 with url params -> works as intended..great!
From s2 the participant is now sent back to s1 (to where they left off) with url params, I can also see in the url that they exist and the right values are given, BUT -> values are not being saved to DB.

The variables s1 to be filled are not equation question in the beginning of the survey (so the participant passed them already) but hidden (not by css) , but that is also the case for the prefilled variables in s2

If i grab the url that is sending them from s2 to s1 and paste it in the browser and load it manually it works.

What am I missing?

Thank you for any ideas and help.

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3 months 1 week ago #268391 by holch

If i grab the url that is sending them from s2 to s1 and paste it in the browser and load it manually it works.

Ok, I think this is the most important observation here.

So passing the variables on to the survey mid survey works (my initial thought was that the issue might be because LS is not picking up the variables if it is not at the start of a survey, which obviously is not the case based on your description).

So there is something different between a redirect and copying and pasting. What happens if you click instead of an automatic redirect?

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Note: I answer at this forum in my spare time, I'm not a LimeSurvey GmbH employee.

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2 months 3 weeks ago - 2 months 2 weeks ago #268497 by ployrich
Sorry for the late reply, making the post was my last deed before Christmas break.

Yes I agree with you holch, I made the post because I cannot figure out for the life of me what the difference is, because s1 --> s2 works fine with params.
The only difference between the "jump in" points is that s1-->s2 is to the beginning of s2 and s2-->s1 is not to the beginning of the survey.

What do you mean by "clicking", displaying the link and clicking it?

I havent tried that. I will do that and report back.

Edit: Tried clicking the link programmatically, didnt change the outcome unfortunately.

Any other ideas?
Last edit: 2 months 2 weeks ago by ployrich. Reason: reporting back on test

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2 months 1 day ago #268818 by ployrich
So I fixed the issue uncovering some further question regarding the "completed" status and "uses-left". and also adding "newtest=Y" to the url was important.

I had to set the anonymity of the survey to "N" explicitly in the lss file even though our survey default is not anonymized. Also maybe obvious, allowing "alloweditaftercompletion" to "Y".

But now the participants can login in after they have once completed the survey, which yes I can read, is the name of the survey attribute.

So do I understand correctly, that "alloweditaftercompletion=Y" renders the token attribute "Uses left" useless or lets say ineffective?

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