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The simplest way would be to use separate questions for the categories and maybe visually merge them with CSS.Since this roster is quite long, I would like to form categories of organisations (e.g. Restaurants, Processing Companies, Retail, etc.). How can I code this in Limesurvey?
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/* Teilfragentexte linksbündig */ .ls-answers tbody .answertext { text-align: left; }<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"> $(document).ready(function() { // Identify this question var thisQuestion = $('#questionID'); // Define the sub-heading text strings var subHeading1 = '<span style="color:blue;font-size:12pt;font-weight:bold">Kategorie A</span>'; var subHeading2 = '<span style="color:blue;font-size:12pt;font-weight:bold">Kategorie B</span>'; var subHeading3 = '<span style="color:blue;font-size:12pt;font-weight:bold">Weitere</span>'; // Get the number of columns in the first row var columnsLength = $('tr.subquestion-list:eq(0) > *', thisQuestion).length; // Insert the new rows with sub-headings $('tr.subquestion-list:eq(0)', thisQuestion).before('<tr class="sub-header-row"><th colspan="'+columnsLength+'">'+subHeading1+'</th></tr>'); $('tr.subquestion-list:eq(3)', thisQuestion).before('<tr class="sub-header-row"><th colspan="'+columnsLength+'">'+subHeading2+'</th></tr>'); $('tr.subquestion-list:eq(5)', thisQuestion).before('<tr class="sub-header-row"><th colspan="'+columnsLength+'">'+subHeading3+'</th></tr>'); // Fix up the row classes to maintain alternating row colors var rowClass = 1; $('table.subquestions-list tbody tr', thisQuestion).each(function(i) { if($(this).hasClass('sub-header-row')) { rowClass = 1; } else { rowClass++; $(this).removeClass('array1 array2'); if(rowClass % 2 == 0) { $(this).addClass('array2'); } else { $(this).addClass('array1'); } } }); // Call the function to make the last two options in each array row exclusive excludeOpt('questionID'); // Hide short-text questions and move them into the array hideAndMoveShortText(); }); // Eine Funktion, um die letzten zwei Optionen in jeder Array-Zeile exklusiv zu machen function excludeOpt(questionID) { var thisQuestion = $('#questionID'); // Fügen Sie den Checkbox-Zellen einige Klassen hinzu $('td.checkbox-item', thisQuestion).addClass('normal-item'); // Schleife durch jede Zeile und markiere die letzten beiden Elemente als exklusiv $('tr.subquestion-list', thisQuestion).each(function(i) { var $cells = $(this).find('.checkbox-item'); $cells.eq(-1).removeClass('normal-item').addClass('exclusive-item'); $cells.eq(-2).removeClass('normal-item').addClass('exclusive-item'); }); // Ein Listener auf den Kontrollkästchen $('input[type="checkbox"]', thisQuestion).on('change', function (event) { handleExclusive($(this).closest('td')); }); } // Funktion zum Ausblenden und Verschieben von Kurztextfragen function hideAndMoveShortText() { // Identify the questions var thisQuestion = $('#questionID'); var nextQuestion1 = $(thisQuestion).nextAll('.text-short:eq(0)'); var nextQuestion2 = $(thisQuestion).nextAll('.text-short:eq(1)'); var nextQuestions = $(nextQuestion1).add(nextQuestion2); var nextLength = nextQuestions.length; var sqLength = $('tr.answers-list', thisQuestion).length; // Hide the short-text questions $(nextQuestions).hide(); // Move the hidden text inputs into the array for (i = 0; i < nextLength; i++) { var workingIndex = (sqLength - 1) - (nextLength - i) + 1; // Erhöhen Sie den Index um 1 var nextQ = nextQuestions[i]; var answerText = $(nextQ).find('input[type="text"]').val(); var inputElement = '<input type="text" value="' + answerText + '" disabled>'; $('th.answertext:eq('+workingIndex+')', thisQuestion).append(inputElement).closest('tr').addClass('otherRow'); } // Some styling... $('input[type="text"]', thisQuestion).css({ 'width': '100%' }); } function handleExclusive(thisCell) { var thisRow = $(thisCell).closest('tr'); // Aktivieren oder deaktivieren Sie die entsprechenden Kontrollkästchen in einer Zeile if ($(thisCell).hasClass('normal-item')) { $('.exclusive-item input[type="checkbox"]', thisRow).prop('checked', false); } else { $('.normal-item input[type="checkbox"]', thisRow).prop('checked', false); } // Überprüfen Sie die Bedingungen (Relevanz) $('td.checkbox-item', thisRow).each(function(i) { var thisValue = ''; if($('input[type="checkbox"]', $(this)).is(':checked')) { thisValue = 1; } var thisSGQA = $('input[type="checkbox"]', $(this)).attr('id').replace(/cbox_/, ''); $('input[type="hidden"]', $(this)).attr('value', thisValue); fixnum_checkconditions(thisValue, thisSGQA, 'hidden'); }); } </script> <style type="text/css">/* Teilfragentexte linksbündig */ .ls-answers tbody .answertext { text-align: left; } </style>[/i]
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$('tr.subquestion-list:eq(5)', thisQuestion).before('<tr class="sub-header-row">\ <th>'+subHeading3+'</th>\ <th style="font-weight:bold;text-align:center">Trade Relationship</th>\ <th style="font-weight:bold;text-align:center">Collaboration Relationship</th>\ <th style="font-weight:bold;text-align:center">No Relation</th>\ <th style="font-weight:bold;text-align:center">No answer</th>\ </tr>');
var subHeading1 = '<th style="color:maroon;font-size:12pt;font-weight:bold">Category A-B</th>'; var subHeading2 = '<th style="color:maroon;font-size:12pt;font-weight:bold">Category C-E</th>'; var subHeading3 = '<th style="color:maroon;font-size:12pt;font-weight:bold">Category F-G</th>'; var option1 = '<th style="font-weight:bold;text-align:center">Trade Relationship</th>'; var option2 = '<th style="font-weight:bold;text-align:center">Collaboration Relationship</th>'; var option3 = '<th style="font-weight:bold;text-align:center">No Relationship</th>'; var option4 = '<th style="font-weight:bold;text-align:center">No answer</th>'; ... // Insert the new rows $('tr.subquestion-list:eq(5)', thisQuestion).before('<tr class="sub-header-row">'+subHeading3+option1+option2+option3+option4+' </tr>');
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function removeRepeatedHeadings() { var thisQuestion = $('#question128793'); var repeatedHeadings = $('table.subquestions-list thead th.repeated-heading', thisQuestion); repeatedHeadings.closest('tr').remove(); }
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// Funktion zum Ausblenden und Verschieben von Kurztextfragenfunction hideAndMoveShortText() { // Identify the questions var thisQuestion = $('#question128793'); var nextQuestion1 = $(thisQuestion).nextAll('.text-short:eq(0)'); var nextQuestion2 = $(thisQuestion).nextAll('.text-short:eq(1)'); var nextQuestions = $(nextQuestion1).add(nextQuestion2); var nextLength = nextQuestions.length; var sqLength = $('tr.answers-list', thisQuestion).length; // Hide the short-text questions $(nextQuestions).hide(); // Move the hidden text inputs into the array for (i = 0; i < nextLength; i++) { var workingIndex = (sqLength - 1) - (nextLength - i) + 1; // Erhöhen Sie den Index um 1 var nextQ = nextQuestions[i]; var answerText = $(nextQ).find('input[type="text"]').val(); var inputElement = '<input type="text" value="' + answerText + '">'; $('th.answertext:eq('+workingIndex+')', thisQuestion).append(inputElement).closest('tr').addClass('otherRow'); } // Some styling... $('input[type="text"]', thisQuestion).css({ 'width': '100%' });}
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