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Versie 6.5.5
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I have two questions:
1) I have a question with 5 bootstrap buttons that are presented horizontally. The 5 buttons are now aligned to the left of the page, I would like to align them to the center of the page. I have looked at these topics (
) but have not succesfully been able to adapt the code. Can you offer me help? (see screenshot of an example question below)
2) I tried to change the color of the bootstrap buttons. I want them to color grey when clicked off when somebody hovers over the button.
I have changed the code below to the custom.css file. My buttons now are grey when clicked and when the mouse hovers above the button but when the mouse moves away from the button after it is clicked, the background color of the button changes to blue. How can I change this?
Thank you so much for the help!
.btn-primary {
background-color: white;
border-color: black;
color: black;
.btn-primary:active, {
background-color: grey !important ;
border-color: black !important;
.btn-primary:hover {
background-color: grey !important;
border-color: black !important;
} {
background-color: grey !important;
border-color: black !important;