Please help us help you and fill where relevant:
Your LimeSurvey version: Version 6.5.4
Own server or LimeSurvey hosting: LimeSurvey Cloud
Survey theme/template: Customised Fruity_23 Blueberry Template
Hello everyone,
thanks to a bug (
) the submit button doesn't work as it should in my survey. As a workaround I'd like to create a fake submit button.
To do this I would rename the "continue" button on the last page with questions and then remove all buttons on the last actual page of the survey (Page with invisible question and thank you text).
Now I'd like to know if I can rename the continue button on a specific page with twig somehow, or if I have to do this with javascript (on slower PCs/connections user can read the original text sometimes).
Then I'd like to know if I can send a confirmation mail via code somehow? So if someone goes to my fake last page the confirmation mail still gets sent even if they haven't "really" submitted the survey.
I'd also like to know if I can close access to the survey for the participant once they reach my fake last page.