if you read the manual you'd know that QCODE is a placeholder for the real question code.
Knowing that the "Executive" check box response has the code SQ1.
Okay, now you know how your "QCODE" looks like
Now in your condition you enter a logical term that is either TRUE or FALSE. If TRUE the question is displayed, if FALSE not.
To find out what "QCode is checked" means, the best is to activate your survey, enter some data and have a look at the response table.
Here you see, how you access the respective variables and how the answers are stored.
You have several options:
Either you say:
QCode is not empty -> then it is selected.
And in the "implemented functions"
you find the functiuon "is_empty()"
you see that "!" is the "not" operator.
Now "QCode is not empty" is in LimeSurvey syntax
Or you say
QCode is equal to this value
If you followed my advice to activate the survey, enter data and investigate the response table, you will have seen that a multiple question stores
selected : "Y"
not selected: ""
Attachment not found
Meaning: To say "QCode is selected" in LimeSurvey syntax
Now yopu should be able to create your condition.