LimeSurvey version: 5.4.3.+
Own server or LimeSurvey hosting: own server
Survey theme/template: custom fruity
Hello LS community,
My organization wants to build a dashboard on safety culture (healthcare setting) based on a longitudinal survey. So I need to be able to refresh data directly from databases, as opposed to manual extraction from LimeSurvey. With MySQL queries, I have access to all the tables described
. My problem concerns multiple choice questions and arrays. With the SGQA identifier, I can find the label of the question in the table 'lime_question_l10ns' but I cannot find the labels of multiple choice options or subquestions in other tables. They seem to be in the same table, with a qid that I cannot find in the 'lime_survey_######' table. Here are four headers of a same question (qid 5988) which represent subquestions of an array question, found in the 'lime_survey_822716' table :
822716X468X5988Q7 822716X468X5988Q8 822716X468X5988Q9 822716X468X5988Q10
In the 'lime_question_l10ns' table, I can find the qid 5988, but the Q7, Q8, Q9 and Q10 subquestions are nowhere to be found. There seem to be qid with the correct labels (6260 to 6263) but I cannot find a key to join the tables and decode the subquestions: Q7 isn't 6260, Q8 isn't 6261 and so on.
Does anyone know what I am missing ? Please tell me if I need to provide more information.
Thank you in advance,