Is there a solution to this problem?
- Do not show the progress bar.
- Create your own progress bar.
Like displaying a bar in your question text where you calculate your "correct" value.
No, there is no built-in solution.
And this is easy to understand.
In the middle of you survey there is a Y/N question.
If the respondent answers "Y" he proceeds the normal way, if he answers "N" the rest of the questions is skipped.
Now, what is the correct percentage of the progress bar?
LimeSurvey does not know at the beginning, which questions are displayed, which questions are skipped.
There were some discussions about this in the passt. If you are interested, search the forum.
But you can do something to avoid the "jumping" of the progress bar.
Use a better design of your survey.
You have 4 groups, one is displayed.
So there is no reason not to put all questions into one group and display by condition on question level.
If you display "group by group" there is only one group counted.
If you display "question by question" you man reorder your questions to show always one question of each of your random groups, then the next question.