I have the setting to display "question by question" in the general settings. This is important, I don't want it to be displayed "group by group".
The always hide option from the GUI doesn't always work, because it won't work with Javascript solutions.
Generally, I recommend to use the "group by group" mode and then putting each question in one group. This gives you more flexibility and still can look like "question by question". But if necessary, you can have two or more questions on one "page" as well as you are not running into trouble when having hidden questions and special approaches. For the user it still looks basically the same as it was "question by question", but it gives you more flexibility.
Just had the issue yesterday, where the programmer went for "question by question" and we couldn't change multiple short question type into 3 long text questions on the same page, because it would have meant that he would have to change the whole questionnaire.