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I'm trying to set up some quotas for my survey but some of them are not working and I can't seem to figure out why.
My survey is set so that each question shows on a new page.
My goal is to have quotas that filter out people based on gender, age and highest education. The gender (Z1) and the education (Z3) are radio questions, the age (Z2) is a drop down question.
I'm using an equation to compute the age and gender together like this: idosferfi=if(Z1==1 && Z2>44,"1"). (so males over 44 years get a "1")
I also have one for females older than 29 like this: idosno= if(Z1==2 && Z2>29,"1")
The reason for the equation is so that I dont have to manually add every single age above 44 or above 29 to the quota.
The equations are hidden since the participants should not see them, but I tried to make them visible and that does not seem to change the outcome.
My quota is linked to those equations and the question about the education. My goal is to not let anyone through that are over 29/44 and not in the correct education level so I created a quota with the limit being 0.
The equations work fine, the men above 44 get the "1" in idosferfi and women over 29 get the "1" in idosno as they are supposed to.
The quota is also counting them correctly and in one case it closes as it is supposed to but in the other case it does not.
If none of them worked I would assume it's because of the equation or the hidden questions or something, but I can't seem to figure out why one is working and a fairly similar one is not. Whether the questions are hidden or not does not matter and I have also tried to put them in different order. Every time the same one is working and the other is not.
Any ideas on what could cause this? Is it a bug or am I missing something?
Or if you have a different solution for not having to add all ages one by one to the quota I would appreciate that too. We are using these regularly so it would save time and effort if we had a shortcut like this.
Thanks in advance.