Your LimeSurvey version: [url=https://localhost/limesurvey/index.php/admin/questions/sa/editquestion/surveyid/841573/gid/4/qid/7#modalSystemInformation]Version 3.28.76+231018[/url]
Own server or LimeSurvey hosting: Own Server
Survey theme/template: Fruity Theme
I started using LimeSurvey for a Uni-Project a llittle bit ago - so i am not that used to coding in Html
For our project we ideally need a selection field where you can only choose 1 option from all the options. I'm thinking that Bootstrap Buttons would be best kind of Selection.
But in that selection field we have a different amount of possible answers in each row - but the row of the answer-option is relevant.
Ive added an image with a drawing of the ideal layout.
I already learned how to put an image as an option, and in each row, the image would have a different width (therefore different amount of answers in each row)
Is it possible to have a different amount of answers in each row? I couldnt find anything online yet.
Im grateful for any help!