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Right label of slider question not being displayed on mobile version

  • Fluxaar
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9 months 1 day ago #250935 by Fluxaar
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Your LimeSurvey version: Version 5.4.10+221107
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I'm running into the following problem: We built a question group containing 5 slider questions. The display of the questions works fine on the desktop version but when it come to displaying the survey on a mobile phone the last question of the 5 is not being displayed correctly. The right label of the slider is not being shown, no matter what I try. There also seems no difference to the other four questions. I tried shortening the text of the label. Also I tried the following code in the custom.css but it does not work, I tried it on an iphone 12.:

@media only screen and (max-width: 760px) {
  .slider-with-texts .question-item.withslider {
    padding: 0;
  .slider-with-texts .slider-container > div {
    width: 100%;
  .slider-with-texts .slider-container .slider-left-span,
  .slider-with-texts .slider-container .slider-right-span {
    width: 40%;
    word-wrap: normal;
    -webkit-hyphens: none;
    -moz-hyphens: none;
    -ms-hyphens: none;
    -o-hyphens: none;
    hyphens: none;

Attached yoo will finde the question, please don't mind the text, it's in german.

Thank you.

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9 months 1 day ago #250937 by tpartner
Please do not attach question exports, it takes too much volunteer time to create a survey, import, etc. Always attach a small sample survey (.lss file) containing only the relevant questions.

Tony Partner

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9 months 1 day ago #250938 by Fluxaar
Right, sorry. Attached you will find the survey file.

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9 months 1 day ago #250944 by Joffm
1. Please, provide a working sample.
Your first group was empty, so we first had to remove it to be able to start the survey.

2. Have a look at your subquestion.

Here you entered
sadfjndsakjnf| adsfijasf

Subquestion: sadfjndsakjnf
Left item:  adsfijasf
Right item: (there is no.)

If you wanted to achieve this
It has to be
|sadfjndsakjnf| adsfijasf

And on small devices?

So what is your issue?


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9 months 1 day ago #250950 by Fluxaar
Okay, in the orginial question this setting (putting the | correctly) is met. I'll put the original question here, so you might help me. It's in german though.
Also: how would I know how to ask a question correctly, I only found this manual:  Read this before you write here... - LimeSurvey Forums


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9 months 1 day ago #250953 by Joffm
revise your subquestion code.
There was an </em> after the pipe symbol
 Kontakt zu den Mitarbeitenden." | </em><strong>Business Partner

Kontakt zu den Mitarbeitenden."</em> | <strong>Business Partner
I got this

Anyway  the layout is not the very best.
Really long text (not only on smartphone) and a slider is hard to handle on small devices.
At least you could show your "example" text as tooltip, popover, modal.
You find examples in my "Tutorial 3: Gimmicks" in the German part, somewhere on page 5, 6, or so.

And how to ask a question?
Well you answered the questions at the begiinning.
And try to explain as clear as possible.Show us your problem or your goal ny screenshots, drawings etc.
And the best: A lss export of the relevant questions.
Copy the survey, remove all questions/groups not related to your question and send it.

And my last recommendation: First ask in the Germen part.
As @holch, @jelo, and I (to mention some of the very active volunteers) are Germans, you may get an answer without language gap.
To be honest, sometimes I am tired to answer in English without necessity.

And we will tell you, if you might have a better chance of a solution in the international part.


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9 months 1 day ago #250956 by Joffm
With tooltips it may look like this (without any css-Styling)

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9 months 1 day ago #250961 by Fluxaar
Well thank you very much, that helped a lot. Also, while we are at it: the last page is being displayed partially on the mobile version e.g. the picture at the end is cut off. It's not a major issue but it still would be nice to see the whole of the page at the end. Again there is a survey attached so you can see the ending page.

Kind regards

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9 months 1 day ago #250969 by Joffm
This is the usual behaviour of a resposive design.
Please read here to enter the image correctly in a responsive way.
[url] getbootstrap.com/docs/3.4/css/#images [/url]

And why don't you link to the "Enter Email" page by end-url?


New topic, new thread.
This was not related to your question about sliders.

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9 months 1 day ago #250971 by Fluxaar
Aight, thank you very much sir.
I didn't want to post the link publicly, that's why I deleted it.

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9 months 1 day ago - 9 months 1 day ago #250972 by Joffm

I didn't want to post the link publicly, that's why I deleted it.

That was not my concern.
In my opinion it may be better to link to the other survey by end-url.

And one last thing.
You shouldn't use the "Bedingungs-Designer". It is outdated.
Use ExpressionScript. Mightier, more flexible, and faster.

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Last edit: 9 months 1 day ago by Joffm.

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