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Your LimeSurvey version:
LimeSurvey Community Edition
Version 6.2.8+230921
Own server or LimeSurvey hosting: ISP hosted
Survey theme/template:fruity
In our survey which has been running for ove 4 years...since the updates the formatting of questions with an Array formatted question the array displays incorrectly when the participant has Windows screen resolution set for easier reading (larger resolution) or has zoomed in to the browser screen to make it bigger,
See attached.
When stretched, the question has a different meaning or better said, the participant would answer this question differently
When the resolutions are changed to "normal" it displays correctly.
ALSO this does not display correctly on an iPad screen, same effect
Note: on an older Sndroid Tablet Chrome browser is incorrect, but Android Internet Browser works. iPad Chrome and Internet browser do not work correctly.
I do not know how to post as a bug report if that is someone's desire.