Please help us help you and fill where relevant: Your LimeSurvey version: [Version 5.6.26] Own server or LimeSurvey hosting: As far as I know UHH (Hamburg University) is hosting Survey theme/template: Inherit [studierende] - as far as I know provied by my university. I also tried studierende
==================Dear community. I received much help in this forum. But now I have a question where I seems not be able to find any existing threat. I've asked.Just a few. I've activated the slider option for the multiple numerical input. I worked on fine on the desktop but when I previewed the survey on the mobile phone it shows the second answer option double. I tried to change a lot of the options, but nothing seems to work and I have no clue what to change. I also tried putting the "|" after rechts aswell, but it didn't help. Just in case is relevant, as far as I know my university blocked us from using CSS classes. If any of you has an idea how to delete the second answer, I would be really thankful.