Please help us help you and fill where relevant: Your LimeSurvey version: [Version 3.28.56.oecd.12] Own server or LimeSurvey hosting: OECD Survey theme/template: I don't know
I am not able to make LIME read all the attributes from participants list (the values of an added attribute needed for setting conditions to some questions). Let me explain what I did…I initialized the participants table by uploading my CSV file that includes five variables or attributes: firstname, lastname, email, language and wave2p (binary variable: 1 if they participated in wave 2; 0 otherwise). For doing so, I used the Import survey participants from CSV file feature.I then specified that there is one additional attribute using “Manage attribute fields”. I set it as mandatory (on). I tried to use the CPDB mapping so the new attribute can be read from the participants table. But, the CPBD mapping option does not allow searching for such file: it is blocked in none. I am not sure if this is the problem.If I display the list of participants, the added attribute appears but it is in blank. I have tried setting the new attribute as a string variable to see if that could work, but no, it is not the case, I still observe it empty.I would like to know how I can make LIME read the values of new attributes. I need this function so I can set conditions to questions based on the values of the added attribute.I read in the internet that some users also struggle with the CPDB mapping feature.If you have any ideas, please let me know. Thanks in advance.
Check the CSV file format: Ensure that the CSV file you uploaded is correctly formatted and that the new attribute values are included in the file. Double-check the column headers and make sure they match the attribute names in LimeSurvey (the attribute columns names are always named attribute_1, attribute_2, etc., NOT the custom name of the attribute)
Many thanks for your prompt reply. I followed your advice, naming the attributes I wanted to add with the LIME labels "attribute_1, attribute_2, etc", and it worked.