Please help us help you and fill where relevant: Your LimeSurvey version: Version 3.22.19+200605 Own server or LimeSurvey hosting: Own server Survey theme/template:
Hello dear community,
we have the following problem with Limesurvey: We cannot see the answers to a questionnaire. In the first two entries, we can only see the respondent code, all further answers are empty. All columns are present, also the number of participants is correct (there are as many rows as participants), but the contents of the cells are empty except for the two respondent codes. This is true for the downloaded answers as well as for the online preview.
We have other questionnaires where everything is normal. Two of these questionnaires are even copied versions of the mentioned questionnaire with slight changes in wording or number of questions. One of these versions was used before we implemented the "problem questionnaire", the other one was used afterwards. In both other versions, the answers are there.
Does anyone have any ideas on what we can do to access the answers or even a hint on how this might have happened so that it doesn't happen to us again?
Thanks in advance for your support!