I am not aware of a Limesurvey error message of "too much time". At least not this exact string.
However, if it is not exactly this string, it could be a session time out. The session time is set on your server, so after X amount of time (depending your setting), without any action in the survey (e.g. click next) the session will be deleted. So depending on this setting and the dedication (or lack thereof) of your respondents (e.g. getting up during the survey, doing other things, drinking a coffee, chatting with colleagues, etc.) it could happen that the session time runs out.
How do you distribute the survey? Is it an open survey? Then the answers given before are "lost". Well, they are not really lost, but you can't start over from this point, the data is stored in the database as partially answered.
If you use a closed survey, with tokens, the respondent just needs to click on the link again and will restart from the last page that was saved in the database (of course not working for surveys in "all in one" mode, the answers in this case are only stored once the survey is submitted).
Solutions (if this is really due to a session timeout):
- Increase session time setting on the server (usually defined in PHP settings, not a Limesurvey issue). Might not be possible because you do not have access to the server settings and the person responsible for this installation might not be willing to change the setting (I assume this is a university installation, also because of the lack of updates...)
- Tell the respondents not to stop for long during the survey. This might not be possible. E.g. if your survey requires a respondent to watch a video of 20 minutes and your session time out is set to 10 Minutes, this of course won't help, because the respondents can't watch a 20 minute video in 10 minutes.
- Use a closed survey with token links. This way the error will appear, but the respondents can restart at the last saved question.
Off topic:
Version 3.27.9+210726
You are running a version of Limesurvey that was released 0n 26/07/2021. This means that your installation hasn't received a single update, bug fix or security patch for over 2 years now. I don't know where you are from, but most countries have strict data protection laws (e.g. GDPR in the EU). So I highly recommend to update the installation at least to the latest version of LS 3.x.