Please help us help you and fill where relevant:
Your LimeSurvey version: 6.1.3-230612
Own server or LimeSurvey hosting: Own server
Survey theme/template: Fruity
We are using Javascript in some of our questions (specifically to keep the item “none of the above” in last place, while everything else rotates randomly). The script works fine, and when a superuser or admin edits these questions, everything remains as it should. If a user with more restricted rights edits these questions, the javascript gets scrumbled – even if they do not touch it.
I had these users switch to vanilla browsers with no plugins or extensions installed, but it keeps happening. My current suspicion is that it might be a rights question, but there is no obvious rights group related to this. Maybe the right to handle plugins?
Any educated guesses are very welcome
And, of course, if anyone knows, I will not complain either.
Below the rights as the users have them now that this keeps happening to (there are four with identical rights, happens to all four):