Please help us help you and fill where relevant: LimeSurvey Cloud Your LimeSurvey version: 3.28.54 Own server or LimeSurvey hosting: Limesurvey Cloud hosting Survey theme/template: Fruity extended with some different styling
I am trying to position the asterisk for a mandatory question at the end of the question-text. To achieve this I have been moving the 'asterisk'-span to the last position in the question_text_content.twig, and while the asterisk is now after the question, it also moves it to a new line. I have tried fixing this by applying the css 'display:inline-block' to a div in which I put both the asterisk and the question-text, but this does not seem to work. My question hence is; how do I move the asterisk to just after the question mark so in the example below it will be '....down?*'
Something like this in question_text_content.twig:
{# If the question number is to be shown (set in survey settings) #}
{%if(aShow.question_number)%}<span class='{{ aSurveyInfo.class.questionnumber }}'{{ aSurveyInfo.attr.questionnumber }}>{{ aQuestion.number }}</span>{%endif%}{# If the question code is to be shown (set in survey settings) #}
{%if(aShow.question_code)%}<span class='{{ aSurveyInfo.class.questioncode }}'{{ aSurveyInfo.attr.questioncode }}>{{ aQuestion.code }}</span>{%endif%}{# The question text as entered by the survey creator in question editing #}
<div class="{{ aSurveyInfo.class.questiontext }}"{{ aSurveyInfo.attr.questiontext }}><div id="ls-question-text-{{ aQuestion.SGQ }}"class="{{ aSurveyInfo.class.lsquestiontext }}"{{ aSurveyInfo.attr.lsquestiontext }}>{{ aQuestion.text | raw }}{%if aQuestion.mandatory !=''%}<small class="{{ aSurveyInfo.class.questionasterixsmall }} text-danger fa fa-asterisk small"{{ aSurveyInfo.attr.questionasterixsmall }}></small>{%endif%}</div></div>