Even if you are new to Limesurvey, don't you think it would have been an important information that the file you are sending was originally a .LSG file and you renamed it to .TXT?
And what did you expect would happen if you rename a .LSG file to text? It is like renaming a .PDF file to .DOCX. It is still a PDF file and will not miraculously convert to a Word file.
And of course you can't import a LSG file as LSS file, because an LSG file contains just the structure of a question group, while an LSS file is the whole survey structure.
So the download offered to you is an LSG file and you need to import it as an LSG file.
You first need to create a survey (with the correct base language) and then import the LSG file into this survey. What I don't get is, that the texts in the LSG file are in German, but the file says the base language is in English.
The person providing these files needs to seriously reconsider the way they are providing these files. Because a LSG file requires a survey that has the same base language as the LSG file, which in your case is English. But as the texts are all in German, this is completely counterproductive.
1. Create a survey with the base language English
2. Name the file back to .LSG (or download it again)
3. Go into the survey you created an import the .LSG file as .LSG file.
To do so you go into the newly created survey, into the "structure" tab and go for "add group" and then "import group":
Then you get to the interface to import the survey group (.LSG) and can build your survey around this survey group.
I just did this and it worked fine. I used LS 5.x
And I agree with Joffm, this item battery is huge and I wouldn't want to present it this way in an online survey. Especially as today many people will answer on a mobile device. At least split it up into smaller junks.
Looking at the source code of the question text there is also weird stuff. This .LSG should not be provided as is (with base language in English but the question being in German plus all the " codes). This doesn't give me much confidence in that "survey template" and that they knew what they were doing when doing it.
And you still haven't told us the answers to the base questions:
- What Limesurvey version are you working with?
- Where is your Limesurvey installation hosted? (I assume by Gesis?)