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How to change width / length of textbox in multiple short text question?

  • RainerM
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2 years 8 months ago #229006 by RainerM
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Dear LimeSurvey Community,

I am currently working on my very 1st lime survey and am dealing with some design issues.


I already found out that one can solve many of these issues by working with custom.css and already fixed some issues:
- hid the asterisk for mandatory questions
- made subquestions bind left
- hid some text input boxes in "multiple choice with comments"

For this I used general comments as e.g:

.multiple-short-txt .form-horizontal .control-label {
    text-align: left;

or super specific to hide the text inputs:

#answer315284X174X4761SQ006comment {
   display: none;

It appears to me, that by using the dot (.) one can use general (hierarchical) commands while the hashtag # is used to work content specific (also following a hierarchy). This is my knowledge so far.


Now I have a "multiple short text question":
How many people volunteered? _____

By default, the text input field is very long. As there will be only a short 1 to 3-digit input this looks a bit awkward (see attachment).

So: I want to be able to adjust the length/width of the field.


In the forum and the manual, I learned that there is the command "(label_column_width)" for "multiple_short_txt".
But: Where do I have to put it and how to write it down?

I tried to stitch some code together, but nothing worked (HTML / JS / CSS skills = "Hello world"). I tried to use the #answer approach: the same result i.e. no result.

I am sure this is only a minor issue but I am sitting here for 2h now and no end in sight.
I would appreciate it if someone could help me and might give me a hint on how to use the commands that are spread throughout the manual.

Thank you and greetings from Germany

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2 years 8 months ago - 2 years 8 months ago #229007 by Joffm
In "Display" you find (and here I write it in German): "Texteingabeboxbreite" and "Label-Spaltenbreite".
Set them to your needs

By the way: Did you read my "Tutorial 2: Mehrfachnennungen, Mehrfache kurze Texte, Slider" ?
In the German part, maybe on page 3 or 4 at the moment.

It appears to me, that by using the dot (.) one can use general (hierarchical) commands while the hashtag # is used to work content specific (also following a hierarchy). This is my knowledge so far.

This is not correct.
The dot characterizes a CLASS, while the hashtag characterizes an ID
[url] www.w3schools.com/css/css_selectors.asp [/url]



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Last edit: 2 years 8 months ago by Joffm.

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  • RainerM
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2 years 8 months ago #229008 by RainerM
Uff... okay. That was a fine case of "Die Kirche einmal um das Dorf tragen" as we say in German.

The GUI, the only place I did not look for it. Thanks a lot. Implemented it in 5min. Classic me.

And thank you for the CSS hint and your Tutorial. I make sure to check it out.

Best wishes & have a nice day,

And thank you for your fast & voluntary support.

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