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I exported a survey from one instance of LimeSurvey cloud and modified the file, really just changed question text. I then tried to import into a different instance. I am getting the following error:500: Internal Server ErrorCDbCommand failed to execute the SQL statement: SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1062 Duplicate entry '251-en' for key 'answer_l10ns_idx'
I have attached the file I am using.
The new export as TSV add 2 cilupmns id and related_id : this make more complicate to edit quetsion.
1. remove the 2 columns : id and related_id
2. Import and check if it work
3. If yes: PLEASE report the issue , TXT expport must stay an easy way to edit survey.
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I had to edit some of the questions in Excel, which I believe is one of the use cases for the txt export. When importing after that, I get this error:
'CDbCommand failed to execute the SQL statement: SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1062 Duplicate entry '6616-es-AR-informal' for key 'ls53_answer_l10ns_idx'
I have already removed the id and related-id columns.
It would be very helpful, if the error message could contain some information about the offending line/question. I don't know what line in my txt file '6616-es-AR-informal' refers to.