Please help us help you and fill where relevant: Your LimeSurvey version: Version 5.2.10+220118 Own server or LimeSurvey hosting: Own server Theme: survey participant - use HTML-code in attribute fields
in former surveys I have used the participation table to upload individual data for each repsondent and used this information in the survey to show to the respondents. Therefore the attribute fields contain html-code. In an older version of Limesurvey (Version 3.27) this works very well. But in the actual version the html-code disappears and only the plain text is availabe. Can someone help me with this problem or is the use of html-code in the attribute fields no longer possible?
This a known issue. But it is unclear, if HTML code in participant attributes should be supported.
I recommend to add your comment to this bug report and confirm that you think it is an mistake to no longer support it.
Thanks. It's very helpfull to know it is no longer supported. I invested quite a lot of time trying to solve the problem, as I used this in former versions and thought I did something wrong.
The only way to add HTML before is to use import from CSV for admin
But editing manually remove all tag : it's a big issue … you can think it's OK for all of your user excepot some.
Allow filtered HTML tag can be done, but it's complex since it can be allowed to external user
Maybe create a feature request to add a settings on attribute ?
"Allow HTML tag" to no by default.
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For me it was a nice way to solve my needs. I was used to do it this way, but now I split up my text and implement the HTML-code in the question embracing the text. This works as well, but in some cases it is a bit more work.
Until it broke a live survey because we need to update some participant data … and client are really unhappy
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