Hi !
Please i would like to know if I can combine two questions (first one is single choice radio button, second is a multiple choice question) in one hidden multiple choice question so i can use this one for logic filters ?
The two questions i want to combine use the same choices (answer options).
Thanks in advance for your help.
thanks for your help.
Unfortunately, i don't know how to use expression manager, i just started using limesurvey. can you please give me an exemple where and how to write the commands?
thank you so much for your help
So first one is radio button single choice question to save the first brand mentionned by the respondent (top of mind).
Second question, is a multiple choice to save the other brands spontaneously mentionned (2nd, 3rd 4th brands ... ).
In the third question i want to show the respondent the brands that he didn't mention to see if he actually know them or not. that's where i need a hidden multiple choice question that combines the first brand mentionned in 1st question AND the other brands mentionned in the 2nd question.
This hidden multiple choice question will be used as an exclusion filter for the third question so the brands already mentionned don't show.
Actually this hidden question will be used all throughout the questionnaire : in later questions, i will ask respondents "what brands have you tried among the ones that you spontaneously mentionned (in question 1 and 2) ?".
Look, help us to help you. Create a sample survey with your setup and provide it here, then we can have a look at the question and answer codes you are using and can help with clearer instructions.
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Note: I answer at this forum in my spare time, I'm not a LimeSurvey GmbH employee.
What i need help with is :
Transform Q0 to a single choice radio button if possible (while i still can use it as an exclusion filter for Q0suite),
Then, create a hidden multiple choice question to combine Q0 and Q0suite answers. let's call it "Q0comb"
the Q0comb shall be used as :
an exclusion filter for Q2 (instead of Q0suite alone as I put it in the uploaded lss file)
a table filter for Q4
thanks you so much. i appreciate your precious help.