as soon as I activate a survey, the final message is no longer displayed, instead it is a blank page.
I use version 5.1.2+210813, Win 10, Mysql.
I also searched in English and German forums, but found nothing. The problem seems to exist since a few versions.
Sorry for crossposting on the German forum also.
I have tried different themes, different surveys, with EndUrl and without. All of them did nothing.
The header of Limesurvey (= logo on top) of the end page is displayed, but not the text.
So that the good spirits of the forum can understand this, I have activated a super simple test survey and put it online.
LSS of it is also attached.
Success would be: the last page displays "ende".
Failure: as for me, the last page displays an empty white page with limesurvey logo.
Many thanks for your help!