we have a multiple choice question with 4 answer options (A-D). It was a non-compulsory question so respondents may have skipped it. When exporting the data, only 3 answer (A-C) options show up in our data, the remainder of the answers are blank. It is highly unlikely that no one filled in D for an answer, so the blanks are probably a mix of missings and D’s. The rest of the export is fine. What could be the problem and how can we solve it?
Thanks in advance for your help,
best wishes,
0. Limesurvey version and build number
1. Did you test yourself ?
2. multiple choice question with 4 answer options : unclear. a multiple choice have subquestion but no answer.
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Hi, Suzanne,
as usual, the first questions:
Which version of LimeSurvey?
And you exported to ...?
So first I would filll the survey by myself with some well defined data, especially the "D" in this question.
Then I'd have a look at the answer table in LimeSurvey.
If there is still no "D" there might be something in your survey structure.
But to say anything about this you should provide the lss Export of the survey.
Best regards
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