I'm looking to create a slider that has the answers on the top and bottom of the slider. The values of the top and bottom are to be different. I've had a look at the manuals work-arounds and the forums and have had no luck finding a way to create what I'm after. Apologies if I've missed the content. Limesurvey version 2.59.1.
My current thought process/work-around would be to create two questions or sub-questions and combine them into the one slider. Or have two sliders whose values update each-others when it detects a state change. I'm not sure of how to implement either of those ideas.
Any help or advice on the matter would be appreciated.
I've attached a crude example I've done in paint with what I'm trying to achieve.
Be aware that Tpartner's custom theme might not work with your pretty old version of Limesurvey (it says it is for LS 3 and LS 4)
Limesurvey 2.59.1 was released at the beginning of 2017, so it now over 4 years old and hasn't received any bug fixes or security updates since then, despite the fact that LS 2.5x was not the very best branch of Limesurvey with many problems, specially at the beginning.
I would highly recommend to do an update to LS 3.x. Not sure if LS 4.x is already recommendable for production.
Help us to help you!
Provide your LS version and where it is installed (own server, uni/employer, SaaS hosting, etc.).
Always provide a LSS file (not LSQ or LSG).
Note: I answer at this forum in my spare time, I'm not a LimeSurvey GmbH employee.