there are several small issues.
1. If you have an equation that is called "Q2Score" you must not assign the equation to "Q2Score". {if(...)} is sufficient.
2. Your AND operation is incorrect syntax. As we learned at school: A>12 AND A < 25
In your case:
Instead of Q2.NAOK>=16&&<= 30
Q2.NAOK>=16 && Q2.NAOK<= 30
3. The IF-statement is IF(condition,true,false).
So the red parts are not necessary because this is the FALSE part of the previous condition.
{if(Q2.NAOK<=15,0,if(Q2.NAOK>=16 && Q2.NAOK<= 30,1,if(Q2.NAOK >= 31 && Q2.NAOK<= 60,2,if(Q2.NAOK > 60,3))))}
Sufficient is:
{if(Q2.NAOK<=15,0,if(Q2.NAOK<= 30,1,if(Q2.NAOK<= 60,2,3)))}
Volunteers are not paid.
Not because they are worthless, but because they are priceless
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